Market Update – Sept 8 2022 – Is It STILL Time To Get Back In To Long-Side Trading Systems?

Sept 8th, 2022.

Continuing the theme from August 2nd and August 23rd, 2022 we asked - "Is it time to get back into the market and trading using (Automated) Trading Strategies??"

Well, we did!  At first it was fun, until it wasn't (another minor draw down).  These things happen, and you have to be prepared for them as a Systematic Trader/Investor, and, as a trader in general.

Let's do another quick market review and see where the major US markets are now after the Fed slapped the market down a bit last week. 

As in previous videos, the area that we find the major US markets in now (on the charts of the ES, NQ and YM) represents another possible key decision point or inflection point, that is worth taking closer inspection. 

So let's zoom in and do that now...


Good AutoTrading!,


Systematic Investors Group Team


P.S. - Are you looking for good Portfolio Rules-Based Trading Strategies that you can combine and AutoTrade for your own account?  Take a 2-Week Trial of our Systematic Investing Game Plan Membership.